Data Management & Statistical Core

The success of any research center relies on providing investigators with high-quality research infrastructure that enables rapid and broad sharing of data and analytic tools and provides access to quantitative specialists.

The mission of the Data Management and Statistical (DMS) Core is to support the South Carolina Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (SC-ADRC) by enabling data-driven research, enhancing the quality of research, providing methodological education, and ensuring reproducibility and generalizability of findings. The DMS Core is committed to promoting ethical and responsible data use, ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of study participants, and advancing the field of AD research through innovative data management and analysis strategies. Through these efforts, the core aims to enhance data quality and accessibility for AD research endeavors within and beyond the SC-ADRC.

The overarching goals of the Data Management and Statistics Core are to enhance the quality of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) research, provide methodological education for AD researchers, and harness multi-modal data for research by integrating clinical, imaging and genomic data.  This core is a collaboration between researchers at the Medical University of South Carolina, the University of South Carolina, and Clemson University.

Data Management and Statistical Core

Dr. Jihad Obeid

Jihad Obeid, MD
Core Associate Director

Medical University of South Carolina

Dr. Paul Nietert

Paul Nietert, PhD
Core Director

Medical University of South Carolina

Dr. Naomi Brownstein

Naomi Brownstein, PhD
Core Investigator

Medical University of South Carolina

Dr. Lior Rennert

Lior Rennert, PhD
Core Investigator

Clemson University

Dr. Jame Hardin

James Hardin, PhD
Core Investigator

University of South Carolina