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SC-ADRC Membership
The South Carolina-Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (SC-ADRC) is a joint effort by the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), the University of South Carolina (USC) and Clemson. Membership in the SC-ADRC is open to MUSC, USC and Clemson faculty and community partners who have an interest in neurodegenerative disease research, a desire to promote the Center’s mission to eradicate dementia and who meet the criteria listed below. SC-ADRC Full Members are given priority access to SC-ADRC-supported Shared Resources and resources available through the national ADRC network and repositories.
For questions about membership, please contact Laura Davis at davlaura@musc.edu.
Membership Categories and Eligibility
Interested individuals can potentially join the SC-ADRC as Full Members or as Affiliate Members.
Full Member
Full Members must have:
A faculty appointment at MUSC, USC and/or Clemson AND
Contributed to the peer-reviewed neurodegenerative disease literature within the past 3 years
In addition, Full Members must meet one of the following criteria:
Principal investigator (PI, multi PI [MPI] or project leader) on a neurodegenerative disease-related, peer-reviewed, funded research grant or training grant (e.g., NIH K awards, COBRE awards, or other similar career development awards); OR
Principal investigator or co-investigator on an investigator-initiated, neurodegenerative disease-focused clinical trial. Full members are expected to have made contributions to protocol development, implementation, patient accrual and participation at a level justifying publication co-authorship; OR
Clinician accruing a minimum of 10 patients to neurodegenerative disease-focused clinical trials per year; OR
Faculty at the assistant/instructor level planning to conduct neurodegenerative disease research who receive faculty appointment at MUSC, USC and/or Clemson who have a track record of productivity; OR
Faculty who play a leadership/key role in the SC-ADRC (Senior Leader, Chair of a SC-ADRC Committee, Core leader); OR
Faculty who play a critical role in team-based science, support the mission of the SC-ADRC, and have a consistent record of publishing neurodegenerative disease-related manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals; provided specialized medical, scientific or administrative expertise to the overall research mission of the SC-ADRC; OR
At the Director’s discretion.
Research activities, grants, publications and clinical research participation of Full Members will be highlighted in the SC-ADRC P30 Grant.
Affiliate Member
Affiliate Members are faculty, including clinicians and health care professionals, who are:
An investigator, including non-faculty investigators (e.g., instructor, research associate, and non-tenure track assistant professors), at MUSC, USC and/or Clemson who have no active, independent, neurodegenerative disease-related extramural funding but are interested and/or involved in neurodegenerative disease research; OR
Tenured faculty working in non-neurodegenerative disease-related areas who are interested in making his/her research more relevant to neurodegenerative diseases; OR
An investigator at other academic institutions of higher learning that are deemed appropriate by the Director, who has initiated early interactions with SC-ADRC members and participates in SC-ADRC activities.
Membership Benefits
All members receive:
Eligibility for SC-ADRC funding opportunities
SC-ADRC publications and communications
Educational opportunities including conferences, seminars, and retreats sponsored by the SC-ADRC
Full Members receive:
Priority access to and subsidized rates for SC-ADRC Core services.
Receive access to peer-reviewed mechanism (Protocol Review Committee) for scientific and technical review of clinical research studies involving humans and/or human specimens/data proposed for activation
Eligible for pre- and postdoctoral student research stipends
Eligible for access to administrative support in submitting research proposals for funding
Eligible for assignment to SC-ADRC laboratory or other research space as available
Commitments and Obligations
Participation includes developing new research projects in collaboration with other program members; attendance at SC-ADRC research program meetings, sponsored conferences, seminars, etc.; authorship of neurodegenerative disease-related manuscripts with other program members, etc.
Full Members must actively participate in the preparation of the P30 ADRC Grant application to the National Institute on Aging (NIA).
Full Members and Affiliate Members must provide information on clinical studies, publications, research support, and other information needed to fulfill P30 ADRC Grant requirements.
Full Members and Affiliate Members must acknowledge use of SC-ADRC facilities, Cores, space, or assistance (when appropriate) in research publications and new grant submissions.
Application Process
Complete the SC-ADRC Membership Application Form and upload an NIH-formatted biosketch including extramural support (C.V. if biosketch is not available). Additional information can be obtained by contacting Laura Davis at 843-792-6981 or davlaura@musc.edu.
Individual applications will be reviewed by SC-ADRC leadership.
Applicants will receive notification of the decision indicating their type of membership.
Review and Renewal of Applications
All Members will be reviewed annually by SC-ADRC leadership, and they may reassign membership categories based on current review of category criteria and member information. Full Members and Affiliate Members must meet all the criteria listed for new applicants in their current membership category or their membership status will be reassigned. Membership recommendations will then be sent to the SC-ADRC director for approval. The director has final authority on approval, disapproval, or termination of membership.
Definition of Peer-Reviewed, Funded Research that Meets Criteria of a Member
Awarded individual neurodegenerative disease-related research grants, cooperative agreements, and research contracts from the NCI or NIH with the following prefixes: R00, R01, R03, R15, R18, R21, R24, R25, R33, R37, R41, R42, R43, R44, R55, R56, P01, P20, P30s (other than the ADRC grant), P50, SC1, SC2, U01, U10, U19, U54, U56, N01; and training and career development awards (i.e., NIH K awards, COBRE awards, or other similar career development awards).