The SC-ADRC has a large collaborative network of researchers throughout the state of South Carolina.  This network has not only brought together researchers from various disciplines and pooled available resources, but it has also strengthened ADRD research in the state.  This type of collaboration is the foundation of the SC-ADRC and we encourage all investigators to learn more about our research and take advantage of the resources we have available.  

The SC-ADRC is composed of one administrative and eight scientific cores. Each core has its own focus within the Center; however, all of the cores work together to achieve the goals of the SC-ADRC.

  • Business person using laptop, calculator and notebook

    Administrative Core

    The Administrative Core works tirelessly to provide strategic planning, management, resources, and oversight to fulfill the South Carolina Alzheimer's Disease Research Center

  • Laboratory assistant putting test tubes into the holder

    Cellular & Molecular Biomarker Core

    Molecular and genetic biomarkers offer critical information in early detection, differential diagnostics, treatment assessment, and disease progression monitoring of AD and ADRDs.

  • Researcher closely analyzing an image

    Clinical Core

    The Clinical Core will serve as the clinical backbone for the SC-ADRC, providing patient resources at different locations for SC-ADRC. The team offers a clinical perspective for all projects to maximize research impact.

  • Man wearing a smartwatch, checking his cardiogram (ECG)

    Digital Biomarker

    Digital health technologies have shown promise in identifying individuals likely to develop mild cognitive impairment and ADRDs by tracking individuals over time in their natural environments.

  • Modern microscope with human tissue section slide

    Neuropathology Core

    The interpretation of results in clinical trials and human studies on AD and ADRDs is currently only possible through thorough postmortem examination.

  • Two medical professionals in white coats examining patient simulator in healthcare training

    Research Education Component

    Supporting research educational activities that foster a multifaceted workforce is essential to effectively address the nation's growing research needs in AD/ADRD.

  • Team discussing data reports

    Data Management & Statistical Core

    The success of any research center relies on providing investigators with high-quality research infrastructure and access to quantitative specialists.

  • Older adults spending time together playing board games

    Outreach, Recruitment & Education Core

    The ORE's main goal is to connect with people living with dementia, caregivers, ADRD organizations, healthcare professionals, trainees, and the wider community.

  • Doctor examines a series of brain scan images, pointing to a specific area

    Neuroimaging Core

    The Neuroimaging Core of the SC-ADRC network will acquire, validate, maintain, and distribute imaging data for all members of the center.

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